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Still Life: egg & triangle

Doubt is the fire the purifies faith.
--Tony Campolo

castle atop seaside cliff

Excellence is where passion and precision merge.
--Derric Johnson

chocolate ice cream soda

What a man (sic) believes may be ascertained, not from his creed, but from the assumptions on which he habitually acts.
--George Bernard Shaw

volcanic eruption at night

Man (sic) is the only animal that blushes.
Or needs to.
--Mark Twain

Still Life: fruit basket

People in general are equally horrified at hearing the Christian religion doubted,
and at seeing it practised.
--Samuel Butler

microscopic images

A decent provision for the poor is the true test of civilization.
--Samuel Johnson

Great Wall of China

Crude classifications and false generalizations are the curse of organized human life.
--H.G. Wells

wind surfing

Common sense is genius in homespun.
--Alfred North Whitehead

desert rock formation

People would rather be in error with the sanction of their conscience, than be right with the mere judgment of their reason.
--John Henry Newman

old Philadelphia cemetary

True contentment is the power of getting out of any situation all that there is in it.
--G.K. Chesterton

Still Life: Breakfast place setting

Valor lies just half-way between rashness and cowardice.

bald eagle

Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.
--Samuel Johnson


Cynics are only happy in making the world as barren for others as they have made it for themselves.
--George Meredith

Still Life: farm basket

Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.

boy and turtle

The first of all democratic doctrines is that all people are interesting.
--G.K. Chesterton

Orthodox cathedral

Conscience is a mother-in-law whose visit never ends.
--H.L. Mencken

yellow tropical fish

2004 Archives

Music Ministry submissions for worship bulletins

AC=Adult Choir; AR=Alleluia Ringers; CAc=Carol Choir; CR=Chancel Ringers; CC=Chapel Chimers; Ch=Cherubs; GNS=Good News Singers; HMR=Heavy Metal Ringers; JN=Joyful Noise; JR=Jubilation Ringers; O=Orchestra; SpS=SpiritSingers; V=Vocal Soloist(s); I=Instrumental Soloist(s)

January 4, 2004    B: Epiphany; Wesley Covenant Service; Communion
Prelude "How Lovely Shines the Morning Star" (Michael Praetorius) GK
Introit "We Would See Jesus" (CUSHMAN) AC
Anthem "And Can It Be" (arr. Carlton Young) AC
Offertory (815) "And Can It Be" (arr. Carlton Young) RGM
     (930 & 1100) "Arise, Shine, for Thy Light Has Come" (Healey Willan) AC
Response "Threefold Amen" (Danish) AC
Postlude "O God, Our Help in Ages Past" (Gordon Young) GK
Notes: Epiphany is the season of the Church Year when we remember the ways God is made plain in the person of Jesus. One of its images is ‘light,’ for when the light of God shined in Jesus, the darkness of sin and death is defeated. When the light of God shines in us and we commit our lives to Christ, the darkness of a dangerous and confusing world is overcome. The choral music this Sunday deals with these themes.
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January 11, 2004    B: Baptism of the Lord
Prelude "Morning Has Broken" (Richard Proulx) GK
Introit "Praise and Thanksgiving" (CHRISTE SANCTORUM) AC
Anthem "The Lone, Wild Bird" (arr. David N. Johnson) AC
Offertory "I've Just Come from the Fountain" (arr. James Caper) JN & AC
Response "Praise and Thanksgiving" (CHRISTE SANCTORUM) AC
Postlude "Morning Has Broken" (Dale Wood) GK
Notes: Christian baptism is rooted in the baptism of Jesus—our faith and ethics is grounded in the person of our Lord; when we renew our baptismal vows, the vows made at our entry into the Christian life, we, in effect, go back to our roots. For the last 150 years, great music has drawn great strength from folk music, the sounds of national pride around the world. The music of the people universally is pentatonic, or based on a 5-note scale instead of the 7-note scale we are used to hearing. The choral music this Sunday returns to our roots with pentatonic, American folk tunes and words relating to baptism.
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January 18, 2004    B: Epiphany 2
Prelude "Blessed Jesus at Thy Word" (JS Bach) GK
Introit "Make a Joyful Noise" (Ann Ker) AC
Anthem "Many Gifts, One Spirit" (Allen Pote) AC
Offertory "As the Bridegroom to His Chosen" (Peter Cutts) V & AC
Response "Threefold Amen" (Ann Ker) AC
Postlude "Prelude in F" (JS Bach) GK
Notes: One of the lasting gifts of the freedom struggle in the South a generation ago was the idea that every race, culture and creed is beautiful in its own right. In fact, it is the humanizing principle in the march of globalization. One size does not fit all! Allen Pote joined a church staff a number of years ago that was in turmoil. He was asked to write a piece for them to sing on their annual staff retreat; he did, and it served a healing function. The Adult Choir sings this Sunday of the beauty of many gifts sharing in the one Spirit of Christ.
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January 25, 2004    B: Epiphany 3
Prelude "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee" (Flor Peeters) GK
Introit "Jesus, We Are Here" (Patrick Matsikenyiri) AC
Anthem "The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me" (Edward Elgar) AC
Offertory (815) "Make Us One" (Carol Cymbala) JN
     (930 & 1100) "Faith" (Paul McKlveen) JR
Response "Alleluia, Amen" (Carl Wiltse) AC
Postlude "Fughetta in G" (Dietrich Buxtehude) GK
Notes: Isaiah believed that God did not choose Israel to give them status, but for the purpose of bearing witness to God’s justice and salvation to the world. Jesus, also, forsook his status in the Godhead for his mission to bless humankind with salvation. In like manner, our unity in Christ, in the church, is given to us so we might accomplish God’s mission of compassion and justice among our fellow travelers through life. The Joyful Noise sings this Sunday of unity in Christ; the Adult Choir sings of Christ’s mission, which outlines ours; and the Jubilation Ringers ring of the faith by which unity and mission are possible for us.
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February 1, 2004    B: Epiphany 4; Communion
Prelude "Antiphon" (Marcel Dupré) I
Anthem "Almighty God, O Hear My Prayer" (Traditional Russian) SpS
Offertory "On the Blue Waters of Kalaupapa" (arr. Ernest Hala) SpS
Postlude "Te Deum" (Anon. French 18th Century) I
Notes: Historically, one of the great ministries of the church has been healing. The vocal music this Sunday relates to this ministry. Kalaupapa is an isolated community on the Island of Moloka’i where people with leprosy were sent. The prayer for healing will be sung first in Hawaiian and then in English. The second prayer for healing will be sung first in Russian and then in English.
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February 8, 2004    B: Epiphany 5
Prelude "Andante" (GF Handel) GK
Introit "Holy, Holy, Holy" (NICEA) HMR
Anthem "How Beautiful Are the Feet" (Messiah) V
     "Their Sound Is Gone Out" (GF Handel) AC
Offertory "The Miraculous Catch" (John Bell) V
Response "Threefold Amen" (Dresden) AC
Postlude "Fughetta in C" (GF Handel) GK
Notes: The Gospel story this Sunday tells of Jesus calling the disciples to be evangelists, not in the Elmer Gantry mode, but totally dependent on the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Adult Choir sings of God’s holiness, and of the holy beauty of those who preach the good news of God’s salvation.
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February 15, 2004    B: Epiphany 6
Prelude "Lord, I Want to Be a Christian" (Young) GK
Introit (930) "Jesus, We Want to Meet" (NIGERIA) AC
     (1100) "Oh, How I Love Jesus" CC
Anthem "Blest Are They" (David Haas) AC
Offertory GK
Response "Sent Out in Jesus' Name" (Carmen Pena) AC
Postlude "How Firm a Foundation" (Whitworth) GK
Notes: The picture of God’s face is (metaphorically, of course) like a jigsaw puzzle, an image developed by Jorgé Lockward, of the General Board of Global Ministries. When we sing songs of other cultures, we get another piece of the puzzle for our understanding and experience of God. As we think about missions this Sunday, the Adult Choir sings a song from Africa and another from Cuba.
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February 22, 2004    B: Transfiguration
Prelude "Be Thou My Vision" (arr. Dale Wood) GK
Introit "Make a Joyful Noise" (Ann Ker) AC
Anthem "Psalm 150" (Robert Clatterbuck) AC
Offertory "Let Us Offer to the Father" (OFFERTORIAO) JN
     (930 & 1100) "Old Hundredth" (JS Bach) AC
Response "Fivefold Amen" (Ann Ker) AC
Postlude "O Wondrous Sight! O Vision Fair" (John Dunstable) GK
Notes: As we rejoice in the history of Messiah and look to the future this Sunday, the Adult Choir sings one old song and one new one. In the long tradition of the Mass, it is usual to sing a communion song during the Offertory – the presentation of the elements. Therefore, the Joyful Noise looks back at history and sings such a song at that time in our service, but the song is new.
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February 25, 2004    B: Ash Wednesday
Prelude "Wondrous Love" (arr. Charles Callahan) GK
Introit "Come and Find the Quiet Center" (BEACH SPRING) AC
Anthem "Wondrous Love" (arr. Paul Christiansen) AC
Offertory "Evening Song" (Kevin McChesney) CR
Response "Threefold Amen" (James Rivers) AC
Postlude "Prelude in E Minor" (JS Bach) GK
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February 29, 2004    B: Lent 1
Prelude "Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley" (arr. Jackson) GK
Introit "O Come, Let Us Sing" (James Rivers) AC
Anthem "Forty Days" (Dave Brubeck) AC
Offertory "Wondrous Love" (arr. David N. Johnson)
Response "Peace" (James Rivers) AC
Postlude "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" (Raphael) GK
Notes: The Gospel lesson for Lent 1 is the story of Jesus being tempted in the desert. During the 1960s, Dave Brubeck wrote an oratorio on the life of Christ in which he tells this story in a stark musical setting that captures the dry barrenness of the desert. He instructs the singers to sing the refrain, “in the desert,” like the wind in the desert. It is challenging listening that the choir balances with the more melodious early American hymn “Wondrous Love.”
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March 7, 2004    B: Lent 2; Communion
Prelude "Deep River" (arr. Owens)
Introit (930) "Stand Up and Bless the Lord" (ST MICHAEL)
     (1100) "The Lord Is My Light" (Michael Bedford) GNS
Anthem "Deep River" (arr. Donald Moore) AC
Offertory (930) "This Little Light of Mine" (arr. John Work) AC
     (1100) "Here, O Lord, Your Servants Gather" (TOKYO) SpS
Response "Amen" (Peter Lutkin) AC
Postlude "Lift High the Cross" (John Leavitt) GK
Notes: During Lent, when Christians discipline body and soul in order to become more faithful disciples of the Lord, it is appropriate to think of Christ the Light of our dark world – of Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. This Sunday the choral music focuses on those themes as well as our heavenly home of which Communion is a foretaste.
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March 14, 2004    B: Lent 3
Prelude "Variation III on 'Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah'" (Raymond Haan) GK
Introit (930) "Jesus, We Are Here" (Patrick Matsikenyiri) AC
     (1100) "Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us" (BRADBURY) HMR
Anthem "Seek Ye the Lord" (J. Varley Roberts) AC
Offertory (815) "As the Deer" (Martin Nystrom) JN
     (930) "Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us" (arr. Arnold Sherman) JR
     (1100) "As the Deer" (arr. Cota) AR
Response "May You Run and Not Be Weary" (Handt Hanson) AC
Postlude "Variation II on 'Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah'" (Raymond Haan) GK
Notes: Isaiah records God’s invitation to the eternal banquet of heaven with these words, “Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters.” At a later date, Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, “…those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty.” The choral music this Sunday has to do with the theme of God’s refreshment (salvation) of all who thirst for righteousness.
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March 21, 2004    B: Lent 4
Prelude "Fantasy on 'King's Weston'" (Fred Gramann) JR
Introit (930) "Father God, All Praise to Thee" (Howard Starks)
     (1100) "Rejoice in the Lord" (Fran Underwood) CaC
Anthem "Beech Spring" (arr. John Matheny) JR
Offertory (930 & 1100) "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" (JS Bach) AC
Postlude "Blessed Assurance" (Phoebe Knapp) GK
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March 28, 2004    B: Lent 5
Prelude "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee" (Flor Peeters) GK
Introit (930) "O Sing unto the Lord" (Ann Ker) AC
     (1100) "Lord of the Dance" (Traditional) CC
Anthem "My Eyes for Beauty Pine" (Herbert Howells) AC
Offertory (815) "My Heaven" (Per Harling) JN
     (930) "Psalm 126" (Michael Guilmont) RGM
     (1100) "Bring Many Names" (Carlton Young) SpS
Response "Tenfold Amen" (Ann Ker) AC
Postlude "Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above" (Bobb)
Notes: When Mary anointed Jesus with the costly ointment, it was both a most beautiful gesture of adoration and a recollection of the myrrh given by the Magi at his birth. Both are anticipations of his death for the salvation of the world. Albert Einstein once said, “Wisdom is the distillation of the past, but beauty is the promise of the future.” The choral music this Sunday has to do with beauty and our anticipation of heaven’s delight.
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April 4, 2004    B: Palm/Passion Sunday
Prelude "Fanfare and Fughetta on 'All Glory, Laud, and Honor" (Sadowski/Lovelace) GK
Introit "Filled with Excitement" (HOSANNA) AC
Anthem "Hosanna" (Christian Gregor, arr. Roberta Bitgood) AC & GNS
Offertory (815) "Ah, Holy Jesus" (HERZLIEBSTER JESU) GK
     (930 & 1100) "My Song Is Love Unknown" RHOSYMEDRE) AC
Response "He Never Said a Mumbalin' Word" (SUFFERER) AC
Postlude "When Jesus Wept" (arr. Charles Callahan) GK
Notes: There are many little-known treasures in American music history; one of them is the extraordinary music making of the Moravians who gathered during Colonial days in Bethlehem, PA, and Winston-Salem, NC. To this day, their churches are filled with the sounds of strings, trombones and choirs. To hear a trombone choir at one of their funerals in God’s Acre is to be reminded of Easter and our hope of resurrection. This Sunday, the Adult Choir and Good News Singers sing one of the jewels from that tradition, a faith community that also had a profound influence on John and Charles Wesley.
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April 9, 2004    B: Good Friday
Prelude "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded" (JS Bach) GK
Introit "Blessed Jesu, Fount of Mercy" (Anton Dvorak) AC
Anthems "Ah, Holy Jesus" (H. Dean Wagner) CR
     "Ye Now Are Sorrowful" (Johannes Brahms) AC
     "Behold the Savior of Mankind" (Charles Cooper) AC
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April 11, 2004    B: Easter
Prelude "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" (Sadowski) GK
Introit "Fanfare Celebration" (Michael Mazzatenta) JR
Anthem "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" (Everett Titcomb) AC
Offertory "The Day of Resurrection" (Thomas Matthews) AC
Response "Hallelujah" (Messiah) (GF Handel) AC
Postlude "The Strife Is O'er" (Young) GK
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April 18, 2004    B: Easter 2; Missioners
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April 25, 2004    B: Easter 3; Native American Awareness Sunday
Prelude "Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore" (Trapp) GK
Introit "Heleluyan" (Traditional Creek) AC
Anthem "The Death of David" (Arthur Honegger) AC
Offertory "Many and Great" (LAQUIPARLE) 815 - JN; 1100 - SpS
     (930) "One Great Spirit" (Kathleen Wissinger) JR
Response "Heleluyan" (Traditional Creek) AC
Postlude "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" (Johnson) GK
Notes: The occasion of Native American Awareness Sunday during the season of Eastertide is fortuitous. Native American spirituality is closely linked to nature, and Eastertide (in spring) is the ongoing celebration of Christ’s resurrection—new life. The texts and musical styles of the choral music this Sunday are related to these themes. The Jubilation Ringers are ringing a piece that was written in response to a mission trip that the composer’s niece went on to a reservation; it has just a hint of traditional Native American sounds.
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May 2, 2004    B: Easter 4; Communion
Prelude "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need" (Dale Wood) GK
Introit "O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing" (AZMON) AC
Anthem "The Lord Is My Shepherd" (Allen Pote) AC
Offertory (815 & 930) "O Bread of Heaven" (César Franck) RGM
     (1100) "In Thee Is Gladness" (Giovanni Gastoldi) SpS
Communion Music (1100) "Gospodi Pomilui" (Russia) SpS
     "Gloria a Dios" (Peru) SpS
     "Le lo le lo lay lo" (Puerto Rico) SpS
     "Lamb of God" (Sweden) SpS
     "The Bread of Life for All Is Broken" (China) SpS
Response "Amen" (Peter Lutkin) AC
Postlude "This Is the Feast" (Charles Callahan) GK
Notes: Many, if not most, of Messiah’s members have lived and worked in a variety of places around the world. Many maintain worldwide connections to this day. This Sunday we will be reminded of the worldwide Christian witness by short musical expressions in various languages, all of which will be followed by repetitions in English.
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May 9, 2004    B: Easter 5
Prelude "Where True Love and Charity Are Found" (Biery) GK
Introit (815 & 930) "This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made" (TWENTY-FOURTH) AC
     (1100) "This Is the Day" (John Horman) GNS
Anthem (930) "Heaven" (André Thomas) AC
     (1100) "A Mother Lined a Basket" (John Horman) GNS
Offertory (815 & 930) "The Secret" (John Bell) AC
     (1100) "Celebration" (Michael Keller) HMR
Response (815 & 930) "Let Us Now Depart in Thy Peace" (A LA PUERTA) AC
     (1100) "May You Run and Not Be Weary" (PRINCE OF PEACE) GNS
Postlude "All Creatures of Our God and King" (Moser) GK
Notes: The early Christians viewed every Sunday as a little Easter, a small remembrance of God’s new creation begun in the resurrection of Christ. They called Sunday “the eighth day of creation.” The adult choral music this Sunday infers the first and the new creations that John’s vision in Revelation so beautifully describes as “a new heaven and a new earth.”
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May 16, 2004    B: Easter 6
Prelude "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" (Charles Callahan) GK
Introit "O Come, Let Us Sing" (James Rivers) AC
Anthem "Let All the World in Every Corner Sing" (David Giardinieri) AC
Offertory (815) "O Holy City Seen by John" (arr. Fran Underwood) I
     (930) "Let All Things Now Living" (arr. Cathy Moklebust) JR
     (1100) "We Thy People Praise Thee" (Michael Keller) CR
Response "Peace" (James Rivers)
Postlude "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Raymond Haan) GK
Notes: Paul’s great mission was to take the gospel to the Gentiles (us); his evangelistic tours were to present-day Turkey, Greece and Italy. It’s almost as if he were living out the Psalmist’s proclamation, “Let all the peoples praise you, O God.” (67:3) This Sunday, adult singers and ringers will extol this theme.
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May 23, 2004    B: Ascension Sunday; Confirmation
Prelude "Kum Ba Yah" (Hallstork) GK
Introit "I Was Glad" (John Read) AC
Anthem "O Clap Your Hands" (John Rutter) AC
Offertory (815 & 930) "God Mounts His Throne" (Marty Haugen) JN & AC
     (1100) "Spirit-Friend" (Rob Glover) SpS
Response "Amen" (Ann Ker) AC
Postlude "Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun" (Whitworth) GK
Notes: Ascension Sunday is the liturgical time when Christians remember that Christ rules over all creation. This year it is also the time when young people confirm their faith in that ever-reigning Christ. Thus, the adult choral music celebrates the ascension of Jesus, and the SpiritSingers remind us that the Holy Spirit is closer than our dearest friend to guide and strengthen us.
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May 30, 2004    B: Pentecost
Prelude "Spirit of the Living God" (John Carter) GK
Introit "Come, O Holy spirit, Come" (Traditional Yoruba) AC
Anthem "I Will Not Leave You Comfortless" (Everett Titcomb) AC
Offertory (815) "Gifts of the Spirit" (PERSONENT HODIE) JN
     (930 & 1100) "I Will Sing with the Spirit" (John Rutter) AC
Response "Threefold Amen" (Ann Ker) AC
Postlude "Every Time I Feel the Spirit" (John Carter) GK
Notes: Pentecost is unnerving because the Holy Spirit refuses to be domesticated and act in predictable and comfortable ways. God is full of surprises, whether it’s coming as King of Peace, or salvation by dying for others, or resurrection from the dead, or empowerment of sinners to be ambassadors to the world. This Sunday the choirs sing of that Spirit.
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June 6, 2004    B: Trinity Sunday; Communion
Prelude "Let Us Break Bread Together" (Charles Callahan) GK
Introit "How Majestic Your Name" (Michael W. Smith) AC
Anthem "Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness" (GF Handel) AC
Offertory (815) "Today I Wake" (John Bell) RGM
     (930 & 1100) "What Is This Bread" (Van Kampen) V
Response "A Blessing" (Martin Shaw) AC
Postlude "Holy, Holy, Holy" (Canning) GK
Notes: Trinity Sunday is the festival celebration of God’s nature – Three in One, and the relationships between the three. To some degree, the three persons represent three large umbrellas which organize (for our understanding) the many ways God relates to humanity. However, the principal way Christians have related to God through the centuries has been the Eucharist (thanksgiving), so this Sunday the choral music has to do with communion.
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June 13, 2004    B: Pentecost 2
Prelude "Amazing Grace" (Young) GK
Introit "Psalm 100" (René Clausen) Ensemble
Anthem "A Rose Touched by the Sun's Warm Rays" (Jean Berger) AC
Offertory (815) "Bless His Holy Name" (André Crouch) JN
     (930 & 1100) "Rise Up, My Love, My Fair One" (Healey Willan) AC
Response "Twofold Amen" (Greek) AC
Postlude "O Worship the King" (Penfield) GK
Notes: When the woman broke the alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume and anointed Jesus’ feet, it was an act of love without calculation or manipulation; she looked for no reward. We do not know her name, or where she came from, but in her adoration of the Master, she became—in our memory of her—the love she portrayed. This Sunday the choral music with adoring God.
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June 20, 2004    B: Pentecost 3
Prelude "In Christ There Is No East or West" (James Biery) GK
Introit "Stand Up and Bless the Lord" (ST MICHAEL) AC
Anthem "Sicut Cervus" (GP da Palestina) AC
Offertory (815) "As the Deer" (Martin Nystrom) HB solo
     (930) "There Is a Balm in Gilead" (Adolphus Hailstork) GK
     (1100) "Promised Land" (arr. Martha Lynn Thompson) HB ensemble
Response "Amen" (Louis Bourgeois) AC
Postlude "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" (Kerr) GK
Notes: Life becomes parched for all of us at times and we feel we cannot wait for the dryness to end. Some try destructive methods for relief and find dead ends; others try various spiritual paths and often remain thirsty. Jesus said to the woman at the Samaritan well, “The one who drinks of the water I give will never thirst again.” This Sunday, the Adult Choir sings the first two verses of Psalm 42 which speaks of our longing for God.
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June 27, 2004    B: Pentecost 4
Introit "This Is the Day" (James Rivers) AC
Anthem "Stayed on Jesus" (arr. Alice Parker) AC
Offertory (815) "Make Me a Channel of Your Peace" (Sebastian Temple) JN
     (930 & 1100) "How Great Thou Art" (arr. Ham) V
Response "Amen" (John Stainer) AC
Notes: Jesus spoke strongly about the need to focus on doing God’s will when he said, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” Paul echoed the idea when he wrote to the Galatians, “For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” This Sunday the Adult Choir sings of Christian steadfastness.
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July 4, 2004    B: Pentecost 5; Communion
Prelude "A Prayer of Patriotism" (arr. Hancock) I
Introit "This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made" (TWENTY-FOURTH) AC
Anthem "Oh, Freedom" (arr. Charles Floyd) AC
Offertory "We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder" (arr. Hancock) I
Response "Twofold Amen" (Dresden) AC
Postlude "Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho" (arr. Hancock)
Notes: Paul writes often in his letters about the contrast between slavery to sin and freedom in Christ. This is the Christian context for the spiritual that had to do with freedom for the slaves in ante-bellum times. This Sunday, the Adult Choir sings of those freedoms in a way that evokes our thanksgiving for the freedom we enjoy in America today.
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July 11, 2004    B: Pentecost 6
Prelude "In Christ There Is No East or West" (James Biery) GK
Introit "Praise the Lord" (Ann Ker) AC
Anthem "Children of the Heavenly Father" (Robert Boyd) AC
Offertory (815) "When We Are Living" (SOMOS DEL SENOR) JN
     (930 & 1100) "Make Me a Channel of Your Peace" (Sebastian Temple) AC
Response "Fourfold Amen" (John Stainer) AC
Postlude "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" (Kerr) GK
Notes: Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan can be interpreted from the perspective of any of the characters, for we are all of them in our own way. We can be at one time or another the self-righteous priest, the too-busy Levite, the well-paid innkeeper, the all-too-silent beast of burden, the most-foolish traveler, or the self-sacrificing outsider (alien). Most often, however, the parable is viewed through the eyes of the victim or the Samaritan. This Sunday the Adult Choir sings the voice of those latter two characters.
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July 18, 2004    B: Pentecost 7
Introit "Make a Joyful Noise" (Ann Ker) AC
Anthem "Be Thou My Vision" (arr. Alice Parker) AC
Offertory "Honor and Praise" (Twila Paris) I
Response "I Love to Tell the Story" (HANKEY) AC
Notes: Amos was the great prophet of doom to a people whose everyday ethics did not match their piety in church; they needed a vision of what was right. Paul wrote to the Colossians a vision of Christ as the image of God mysteriously made visible to humanity and all creation. Mary and Martha had a sibling dispute over whose vision of what was most important when Jesus was present in their home. This Sunday the Adult Choir sings a prayer asking for a vision for living life in the present time.
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July 25, 2004    B: Pentecost 8
Prelude "I Want Jesus to Walk with Me" (Peterson) GK
Introit "O Sing unto the Lord" (Ann Ker) AC
Anthem "The Lord's Prayer" (Al Oppenheimer) AC
Offertory (815) "The Lord's Prayer" (Al Oppenheimer) JN
     (930 & 1100) "Listen, Lord" (John Bell) V
Response "Tenfold Amen" (Ann Ker) AC
Postlude "O God, Our Help in Ages Past" (Miles) GK
Notes: One of the best ways to freshen an all-too-familiar text is to give it a new musical setting. It can highlight different meanings by placing the stresses or the high (or low) notes in different places, by making it more lyrical or more accented than it is in speech. This Sunday the choirs lead us in a new setting of the prayer Jesus taught us.
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August 1, 2004    B: Pentecost 9; Communion
Prelude "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" (Mercer) GK
Anthem "I Will Arise" (arr. Susan Byler) AC
Offertory (815) "Shake Up the Morning" (John Bell) RGM
     (930 & 1100) "In His Presence" (Elliott) V
Postlude "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" (Jarell) GK
Notes: Jesus taught the parable of the fool’s demise after a lifetime of greedy acquisition of wealth. In many ways, Christian faith is a story of reversals from the standards of the culture around us. This Sunday, the Adult Choir sings of choosing Jesus, and the solo has to do with the reversals of cultural norms.
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August 8, 2004    B: Pentecost 10
Prelude "I Love to Tell the Story" (arr. Wilbur Held) GK
Anthem "Keep Your Lamps" (André Thomas) AC
Offertory "The King of Glory Comes" (Israeli folk song) JN
     (930 & 1100) "Gracious Fire" V
Postlude "Ain-a That Good News! (John Carter) GK
Notes: “Live each day as if it were the last one before you face the final evaluation of your life.” Such is the popular statement of the truth Jesus taught. A more positive phrasing might be, “Be ready at all times to meet Christ in any person, in every event.” This Sunday, the choirs sing of that preparedness.
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August 15, 2004    B: Pentecost 11
Prelude "Wonderful Words of Life" (arr. Wilbur Held) GK
Anthem "By Gracious Powers" (Joseph Parry) AC
Offertory "Come Sunday" (Duke Ellington) AC
Postlude "Go Forth in Faith" (Ritter) GK
Notes: Jesus taught difficult lessons, one of the most unpopular being that having faith would not prevent trouble in the living of life. In fact, people of faith just by their presence challenge the ever-present perversity of the world, and they often pay a great price for their trouble. The choral music this Sunday is of dealing with troubles caused by faith.
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August 22, 2004    B: Pentecost 12
Prelude "This Little Light of Mine" (Rinehart) GK
Anthem "I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry" (John Ylvisaker) AC
Offertory (815) "I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry" (John Ylvisaker) JN
     (930 & 1100) "I Cling to You" (JS Bach) RGM
Postlude "I Love to Tell the Story" (John Ferguson) GK
Notes: God is a lifelong companion for all of us, including those without religious or social “clout.” The Lord told Jeremiah, “Do not say, ‘I am only a boy’; for you shall go to all to whom I send you.” Jesus cured the woman crippled for 18 years on the Sabbath, and came into conflict with the leaders for it. The issue there was healing on the Sabbath, but the issue also was healing a woman on the Sabbath. The choral music this Sunday recalls the Psalmist’s confession of faith, “Upon you I have leaned from my birth.”
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August 29, 2004    B: Pentecost 13
Prelude "Here I Am" (Linker) GK
Anthem "When God Restored Our Common Life" (RESIGNATION) AC
Offertory "When God Restored Our Common Life" (RESIGNATON) JN
     (930 & 1100) "Whoever Would Be Great among You" (Ronald Nelson) Ensemble
Postlude "How Firm a Foundation" (Whitworth) GK
Notes: Human beings have an insatiable need for status: positions and careers, automobiles and houses all reflect our “success” in life. One aspect of the counter-cultural nature of Christianity is how greatness is measured. He demonstrated his Messiahship by doing the most menial of tasks—washing his disciples’ feet. The choral music this Sunday refers to servanthood and caring for the oppressed as the real measure of success.
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September 5, 2004    B: Pentecost 14; Labor Day; Communion
Prelude (815 & 930) "Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken" (Charles Callahan) GK
     (1100) "Poem" (Zdenko Fibich) I
Introit "Stand Up and Bless the Lord" (ST MICHAEL)
Anthem "O Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me and Known Me" (Eugene Butler) AC
Offertory (815) "A Labor Hymn" (David Ashley White) RGM
     (930 & 1100) "All Creatures of Our God and King" (arr. Martha Lynn Thompson) HB
Response "Threefold Amen" (Ann Ker) AC
Postlude (815 & 930) "Lift High the Cross" (John Leavitt) GK
     (1100) "To God Be the Glory" (arr. Whitworth) I
Notes: When Jesus outlined the conditions of discipleship, he knew that the outward actions that signal discipleship depend on inward attitudes. It is easy to see through the sham of actions that are divorced from their spiritual grounding. The Adult Choir this Sunday sings of those inward conditions that lead to growth in discipleship.
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September 12, 2004    B: Pentecost 15; Messiah Day
Prelude "Now We Ask the Holy Spirit" (Dietrich Buxtehude) LB
Introit "Sing Praise and Hallelujah!" (John Yarrington) Ensemble
Processional - HB
Anthem "Lord, Whose Love through Humble Service" (René Clausen) AC
Offertory (815) "Lord, Whose Love through Humble Service" (René Clausen) AC
     (930 & 1100) "Lord, Whose Love through Humble Service"
          (arr. Cathy Moklebust) HB
Response "Twofold Amen" (Dresden) AC
Postlude "Psalm 19 - The Heavens Declare" (Benedetto Marcello) LB
Notes: In honor of Messiah’s 40th anniversary, the music ministry commissioned René Clausen to compose an anthem on a text related to our motto “Serving God by Serving Others.” The text is “Lord, Whose Love through Humble Service” (Hymn 581), and the music is a wonderful alternative to the one in the Hymnal. Dr. Clausen is Director of Choral Activities at Concordia College in Morehead, MN, and a very active composer as well. He brings his fine concert choir to the East Coast on tour occasionally, so watch for them and go to hear them. Several of our Adult Choir members had opportunity to meet him and sing under his direction at a choral workshop in August. The Alumni Handbell Choir is ringing a beautiful arrangement of the music in the hymnal.
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September 19, 2004    B: Pentecost 16
Prelude "Prelude in A Minor" (JS Bach) LB
Introit "Stand Up and Bless the Lord" (ST MICHAEL) AC
Anthem "Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace" (Samuel Sebastian Wesley) AC
Offertory "Shall We Gather at the River" (arr. Mark Hayes) LB
Response "Threefold Amen" (Danish) AC
Postlude "Fugue in A Minor" (JS Bach/Ferenc Liszt)
Notes: The Adult Choir sings an anthem this Sunday by the grandson of Charles Wesley. Samuel Sebastian was a pivotal figure in English church music of the 19th-century. He single-handedly caused a significant upgrading of the level of music in the parish churches, both in the refurbishing of pipe organs and in the quality of the singing and playing.
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September 26, 2004    B: Pentecost 17
Prelude "In Thee Is Joy" (arr. Lynette Maynard) LB
Introit "Jesus, We Want to Meet" (NIGERIA) AC
Anthem "Poor Man Lazrus" (Jester Hairston) AC
Offertory (815) "The Summons" (KELVINGROVE) JN
     (930 & 1100) "Fairest Lord Jesus" (arr. Dawn Thompson) HB
Response "Twofold Amen" (Vincent Persichetti) AC
Postlude "Snata in D Major - Allegro con brio" (Joseph Haydn) LB
Notes: In the parable of Lazarus and Dives, Jesus illustrates the principle that faith must result in compassion for others. Later in the New Testament, James says that faith without works is dead. Still later, in the 18th century, John Wesley emphatically preached that works of charity, striving for social justice, and personal piety are equally important. Today the structure of United Methodism includes a Board of Discipleship and a Board of Social Concerns. This Sunday the Adult Choir sings the parable, and the Joyful Noise sings of God’s call to ministry.
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October 3, 2004    B: Pentecost 18; World Communion
Prelude "Prayer" (Leon Boellman) LB
Introit "I Will Extol Thee" (James Rivers) AC
Anthem "This Do in Remembrance of Me" (Judy Hunnicutt) AC
Offertory (815 & 930) "Love Bade Me Welcome" (Ralph Vaughan Williams) RGM
     (1100) "A New Song" (Joseph Martin) SpS
Response "Peace" (James Rivers) AC
Postlude "Our Father Who Art in Heaven" (JS Bach) LB
Notes: World Communion is one Sunday we are aware of the many varieties of worship around the world. On this day we remember our connections across denominations, national borders, and generations. To that end, the music ministry expresses the faith through contemporary and traditional music and texts, solo, choral and instrumental—offered across generations by youth and adults.
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October 10, 2004    B: Pentecost 19
Prelude "Adagio Cantabile" (Ludwig van Beethoven) LB
Introit "Jesus, We Are Here" (Patrick Matsikenyiri) AC
Anthem "Alleluia" (Randall Thompson) AC
Offertory (815) "We Are All One in Mission" (NYLAND) JN
     (930 & 1100) "Fantasy on 'Kingsfold'" (H. Dean Wagner) JR
Response "Threefold Amen" (Vincent Persichetti) AC
Postlude "Agincourt Hymn" (John Dunstable) LB
Notes: During the 2nd quarter of the 20th century Randall Thompson was America’s premier choral composer and one of our greatest music educators—Leonard Bernstein and Samuel Barber were among his students. Very early in his career, for the opening of the Berkshire Music Center at Tanglewood, he wrote the piece that earned his preeminence. On a Sunday when we celebrate Messiah’s ministries, the Adult Choir sings “Alleluia.”
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October 17, 2004    B: Pentecost 20
Prelude "Prelude" (Cesar Franck) LB
Introit "Make a Joyful Noise" (Ann Ker) AC
Anthem "Hallelujah, Amen" (Judas Maccabaeus)(GF Handel) AC
Offertory (815) "Psalm 66" (Michael Guilmont) RGM
     (930 & 1100) "Old 100th" (JS Bach) AC
Response "Threefold Amen" (Ann Ker) AC
Postlude "Variation" (Cesar Franck) LB
Notes: The Psalmist responded to God’s blessings by singing “Hallelujah”, which means “Praise God”. When remembering that God delivered the nation from captivity and the terrors of the desert, upon contemplating God’s justice meted out in her personal life, and in looking forward to God’s protection in the future, the song remained “Make a joyful noise unto God.” This Sunday the performed music has that theme.
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October 24, 2004    B: Pentecost 21
Prelude (815 & 930) "Meditation on 'Let All Flesh Keep Silent'" (Edward Beals) LB
     (1100) "Morning Bells" (arr. Erin MacGorman) HMR
          "Jesus Loves Me" (Traditional) CC
Introit "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name" (GROSSER GOTT) AC
Anthem (930) "The Pharisee and the Publican" (Heinrich Schutz) AC
     (1100) "We Are All God's Children" (arr. Harriett Ziegenhals) GNS
Offertory (815) "Spirit of Gentleness" (James Manley) JN
     (930) "Many and Great, O God" (LACQUIPARLE) CR
     (1100) "Sing Unto the Lord" (arr. Hart Morris) AR
Response (930) "Amen" (John Rutter) AC
     (1100) "Alleluia, Amen" (Carl Wiltse) GNS
Postlude "Sailors Song" (Edvard Grieg) LB
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October 31, 2004    B: Pentecost 22
Prelude "All Things Bright and Beautiful" (Steven Scott) LB
Introit "Stand Up and Bless the Lord" (ST MICHAEL) AC
Anthem "Bless the Lord, O My Soul" (Mikhael Ippolitov-Ivanov) AC
Offertory (815) "Humble Thyself/Awesome God/Then Sings My Soul Medley" JN
     (930) "Psalm 66" (Michael Guilmont) RGM
     (1100) "Galilee Man" (Allen Pote) SpS
Response "Threefold Amen" (Danish)
Postlude "Toccata in D Minor" (JS Bach) LB
Notes: An encounter with Jesus elicits various responses—grateful worship for his forgiveness of our sin—doubt that our hurts and dis-ease can be healed—energized optimism at his call to discipleship. The choirs this Sunday sing of all these emotions.
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November 7, 2004    B: All Saints; Communion
Prelude "If You But Trust in God to Guide You" (arr. Kevin Hildebrand) LB
Introit "Soon and Very Soon" (André Crouch) AC
Anthem "Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal" (arr. Alice Parker) AC
Offertory "My Soul Yearns" (Felix Mendelssohn) LB
Response "Alleluia, Amen" (Carl Wiltse) AC
Postlude "Epilogue for Trumpet" (Toom Birchwood) LB
Notes: The forms of musical composition are roughly the same now as they were in ancient times. Gregorian chant, the oldest complete genre we have, is built on the same principles of unity and variety that we use. The forms speak to us metaphorically because they reflect the times of consolidation and of disintegration we all experience in life. So the song forms of AABA and ABAB speak to us repose (A) and motion (B) both in our physical/emotional life as well as our spiritual pilgrimage. Jesus rested and taught; we worship and serve. The Offertory this Sunday morning is in song form that reminds us of that.
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November 14, 2004    B:
Prelude (815 & 930) "Thou Art Mine" (James Southbridge) LB
     (1100) "Grazioso" (Arnold Sherman) AR
Introit (930) "O Come, Let Us Sing" (James Rivers) AC
     (1100) "Lautate Dominum" (Taizé) GNS
Anthem "O Day of Peace, That Dimly Shines" (arr. Richard Proulx) AC
Offertory (815) "O Day of Peace, That Dimly Shines" (arr. Richard Proulx) JN
     (930) "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" (EIN' FESTE BURG) CR
     (1100) "God Is So Good" (arr. Venita MacGorman) HMR
Response "Peace" (James Rivers) AC
Postlude "Go, My Children, With My Blesing" (arr. Kevin Hildebrand) LB
Notes: When Jesus spoke of the signs by which his disciples would know that the end of the world was coming, he talked of nations at war, of natural disasters, and of disintegrating personal relationships. One might suspect that every generation has been able to read those signs in events around them, and we certainly can today. Jesus’ point was that we can really trust only in God’s redeeming work—personally, socially, and in nature. The choral music this Sunday morning is about this theme.
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November 21, 2004    B: Christ the King; Food Pounding
Prelude "Come Ye Thankful People Come" (George Elvey) LB & GB
Introit (930) "As the Sun Doth Daily Rise" (INNOCENTS) AC
     (1100) "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come" (George Elvey) CC
Anthem "Thou Visitest the Earth" (Maurice Greene) AC
Offertory "Morning Has Broken" (arr. Greg Bloy) V
Response "Alleluia, Amen" (Carl Wiltse) AC
Postlude "Allegro Maestoso" (Water Music)(GF Handel) LB & GB
Notes: Harvest festivals have been part of religious traditions almost as long as there have been human beings. The miracles of sprouting seeds, plant growth and maturation, and food-yielding harvest give rise to awe-filled wonder and gratitude to God for the bounty of the earth. They are also wonderful metaphors for spiritual birth and renewal. The choral music this Sunday is a graceful song of thanksgiving at harvest-time.
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November 24, 2004    B: Thanksgiving Eve
Prelude "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" (arr. Don Hustad) LB
Introit "This Is the Day the Lord Hath Made" (TWENTY-FOURTH) AC
Anthem "O Be Joyful" (Benjamin Britten) AC
Offertory "Come, Christians Join to Sing" (SPANISH HYMN) CR
Response "Save Us, O Lord" (Harold Friedell) AC
Postlude "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna the Little Children Sang" (arr. Richard Warner) LB
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November 28, 2004    C: Advent 1
Prelude "My Lord, What a Morning" (arr. Richard Billingham) LB
Introit "Advent Processional" (John Ferguson) AC
Anthem "I Want to Be Ready" (Roy Belfield) AC
Offertory (815) "I Want to Be Ready" (Traditional) JN
     (930 & 1100) "Open Now My Heart" (JS Bach) RGM
Response "Five-fold Amen" (Ann Ker) AC
Postlude "A Bethlehem Pastorale" (Steven Scott) LB
Notes: One of the traditional themes of the first Sunday in Advent is the second coming of Christ at an unknown and unexpected hour. People can either go blithely about whatever they do, or they can live as if this were the last day of their life. The latter helps keep priorities in order and proper values in the foreground. These themes in the ‘performed’ music this Sunday are offered as an aid to preparations for celebrating the first and second comings of the Lord.
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December 5, 2004    C: Advent 2
Prelude "Sussex Carol" (arr. David Willcocks) LB & GB
Introit (930) "Prepare the Way of the Lord" (Jacques Berthier) AC
     (1100) "Prepare the Way of the Lord" (Michael Bedford) CaC
Anthem "Lions and Oxen Will Feed in the Hay" (Michael Connolly) AC
Offertory (815) "Sussex Carol" (arr. David Willcocks)
     (930 & 1100) "Prepare the Way of the Lord" (Allen Pote) SpS
Response "Amen" (John Rutter) AC
Postlude "Rondinella" (Antonio Vivaldi) LB & GB
Notes: When Isaiah wrote his vision of the peaceable kingdom, it was an insight into what would be true when God brought to culmination his purpose for creating all things. As Christians, we believe that Jesus began that culmination, so we are able to participate in the new as well as the old order of things. The Adult Choir sings this Sunday a prayer that Isaiah’s vision will take root in our lives.
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December 12, 2004    C: Advent 3
Prelude "Light a Candle to Watch for Messiah" (Wayne Wold) LB
Introit (930) "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear" (CAROL) CC
     (1100) "Will You Be Ready" (Mark Patterson) GNS
Anthem "Springs in the Desert" (Arthur Jennings) AC
Offertory (815) "Joy Comes with the Dawn" (Gordon Light) JN
     (930) "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" (arr. William Mathis) JR
     (1100) "Christmas Medley" (arr. Arnold Sherman) AR
Response "Amen" (Peter Lutkin) AC
Postlude "Joy Song" (Mark Hayes) LB
Notes: Isaiah announced the coming kingdom when the desert would blossom and travel through it would no longer be dangerous or difficult as people returned to God. His vision had lots to do with Israel returning from exile in Babylonia. John the Baptist, that desert-dwelling announcer of an approaching kingdom of a different sort, picked up on the metaphor of radical change by calling for repentance, or turning around, for lax lifestyles. Jesus also preached the blossoming desert when he sent the disciples to John to tell him that the blind see, the lame walk, and the dead are raised. This Sunday’s choral music is on these themes.
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December 19, 2004    C: Advent 4
Prelude "Savior of the Heathen, Come" (JS Bach) GB
Introit "Ding Dong Merrily on High" (arr. Charles Wood) AC
Anthems "Creator of the Stars of Night" (arr. Jeffrey Honoré) AC
     "Adam Lay Ybounden" (Peter Warlock) AC
     "Jesus Christ, the Apple Tree" (Elizabeth Poston) AC
     "The Blessed Son of God" (Ralph Vaughan Williams) AC
     "Stars Are for Those Who Lift Their Eyes" (Pauline Delmonte) AC
     "My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord" (Sherri Porterfield) AC
Offertory "The Holly and the Ivy" (arr. H. Walford Davies) AC
Response "Ding Dong Merrily on High" (arr. Charles Wood) AC
Postlude "The Heavens Adore You" (Wayne Wold) LB
Notes: What causes you to stop and wonder in awe? For the ancients, one thing was the stars in the heavens. In fact, the stars were so wonder-ful, the constellations were given mythic names, and the brightest stars were given magical connotations. Their orderly locations and movements were noticed very early in human history and made possible the predictions necessary for food production and sailing. The mystery of God becoming human in Christ, while remaining completely God, is cause for wonder for Christians. Carl Sandburg captured that wonder and the wondering about the mystery’s implications for life in his centerpiece for this Sunday’s choral music.
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December 24, 2004    C: Christmas Eve (500p)
Prelude "Away in a Manger" (arr. Hildebrand) CC
Introit "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" (Traditional) CaC & CC
Prayer Response "Glory to God" (Machu-Pichu) GNS
Anthems "Stars Are for Those Who Lift Their Eyes" (Pauline Delmonte) GNS
     "Rise Up Shepherds" (RISE UP SHEPHERD) GNS
     "Three Kings" (Michael Bedford) CaC & GNS
     "Gloria in Excelsis Deo!" (GLORIA) GNS
Offertory "We Three Kings" (arr. Kevin McChesney) HMR
Postlude "Noel" (Louis Claude Daquin) LB
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December 24, 2004    C: Christmas Eve (700p)
Prelude "Christmas Suite" (arr. Arnold Sherman) AR
Anthems "O Who's That Yonder" (John F. Wilson) SpS
     "How Far Is It to Bethlehem" (arr. John Coates) SpS
     "Bethlehem Baby" (Allen Pote) SpS
     "Song of Bethlehemtown" (Audrey Snyder) SpS
Offertory "Do You Hear What I Hear" (arr. Harry Simeone) SpS
Postlude "Angels We Have Heard on High" (Uehlein) LB
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December 24, 2004    C: Christmas Eve (900p & 1100p)
Prelude "Away in a Manger" (arr. Hildebrand)
Introit "Ding Dong Merrily on High" (arr. Charles Wood) AC
Anthem "Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head" (arr. Joseph Flummerfelt) AC
Offertory (900) "We Three Kings" (arr. Janis Mather) CR
          "Coventry Carol" (arr. Mary Engel) HB
     (1100) "Now Is Born the Divine Christ Child" (arr. Kevin McChesney) JR
Communion Music "The Blessed Son of God" (Ralph Vaughan Williams) AC
     "Silent Night" (arr. Chip Davis) I
Postlude "Noel" (Louis Claude Daquin) LB
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December 26, 2004    C: Christmas Sunday
Prelude "Angels We Have Heard on High" (arr. Tom Birchwood) LB
Introit "Sing We Now of Christmas" (FRENCH CAROL) AC
Anthem "The Shepherds' Farewell" (Hector Berlioz) AC
Offertory "On This Day Earth Shall Ring" (PERSONENT HODIE) JN & AC
Response "Go Tell It on the Mountain" (arr. William Farley Smith) AC
Postlude "O Little Town of Bethlehem" (arr. Edward Broughton) LB
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Author: Roger G. Miller - Updated May 6, 2009